Providing business clarity in semiconductor spaces

Semi + Insights + Strategies

Providing business clarity in semiconductor spaces


Advising the Financial and Professional Consulting Communities on the Semiconductor Business since 2016

Headquartered in Austin, TX, with an office in Los Gatos, CA, we have been serving clients in NYC, London, Hong Kong, and San Francisco. Our firm provides expert insight and analysis of business issues- sales, marketing, go-to-market strategy, technology viability, and competitive landscapes- surrounding the semiconductor industry with particular focus on the GPU, CPU, and adjacent technologies.  Whether you’re a hedge fund analyst, management consultant, financial advisor, or technology vendor, we will not only provide a deeper understanding of the semi space, but we’ll also help you make better decisions about the strategies and tactics that impact your success. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every project and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.

Our analysts have over two decades of executive technology experience and started working in technology during the "gray putty" PC world of the early 90s. We’re on the pulse of cutting-edge technology and trends, and have real-world experiences with some of the most influential brands in tech—all to give you exceptional advice that will be impactful, meaningful, and durable.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether our services are right for you.




Austin, TX + Los Gatos, CA

(512) 599-1891


Our Areas of Focus


The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is at the heart of many of the biggest and most exciting semiconductor opportunities existing today and tomorrow.  Semi Insights and Strategies is expert in helping our clients navigate the complex business of GPUs and the markets they compete in- let us help you take the mystery out of this with our experience and knowledge of the GPU business.

Sales + Marketing Strategy

You have a great idea or technology but don't know how to get it to market.  Does the potential of Enterprise business intrigue you when you have been a traditionally Consumer brand?  Perhaps you are a company that is stuck and can't seem to grow your business.  Maybe you are an analyst looking to better understand how companies like NVIDIA, AMD, and Logitech tackle the market.  These questions, and other sales and marketing problems, are central to Semi Insights and Strategies value to our clients.  We can help you formulate a winning sales strategy, better understand what, and what not, to do to grow your business, and provide expert insight on the sales and marketing organizations that have a proven track record of success.


While the Central Processing Unit (CPU) has been with us from the beginning of the PC it has been going through a challenging period of late and our clients have many questions about where this business is headed.  Increased competition for existing markets and emerging markets has left this large segment in flux.  Semi Insights and Strategies can help you spend more time with your clients and projects and less time wading through what may or may not happen in the CPU space.

Filling the ORG gaps in startups

The startup and small business marketplace is a new and fierce frontier that is constantly under-staffed and under-resourced.  You may need sales and marketing leadership but can't afford a full-time executive to fill the role.  Maybe your startup needs a jolt of inspiration and energy to get your team moving or to the next level?  Whatever your need may be we can help you in the short-term, mid-term, or long-term so your company can get, and maintain, the best competitive advantage.

HPC Applications

Augmented Reality. Virtual Reality.  Supercomputers.  Cloud Computing. Machine Learning.  Enterprise Applications.  Artificial Intelligence.  Predictive Analytics.  These are fields of computer science in which the GPU has played a central role and an ever-increasing one.  But with the advent of new designs and architectures coming from Google, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, Qualcomm, and others the field is changing rapidly.  Why are these companies investing so heavily in HPC and what does it mean for you and your strategy?  Semi Insights and Strategies can help you dig in and get solid footing so you can make the best decisions going forward in this fast-paced segment.

Competitive Landscape

Technology has always, of course, been fast paced.  Now, more than ever, the rate of change is staggering.  Established companies are competing with new companies and transformative technologies.  New companies are dealing with the challenging market conditions of competing with entrenched and experienced category leaders.  Semi Insights and Strategies gives you the power and understanding of the threats and opportunities laying in an ever-changing technology playing field.  Who is winning, who is losing, and who is next up- we stay ahead to keep you in know.


We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your enquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific information requests. To help us best service your enquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.